In minutes, the air changes, cooler, filled with some element of tangible unsettled-ness. I felt a strange sort of anticipation for this storm. So many dragonflies...they seemed to be flocking towards some safer area. A large egret, fighting the winds to escape the rain filled clouds that were ready to break open. Leaves ripped from tree branches too soon, flying to the ground in round about ways, delaying their landing as long as possible. Sprinkling of rain first, then more and more drops fall, just as I make it to the back porch, it is pouring out. The rains explode the fragrance cells or whatever they are on the plants, the trees, the flowers, the grass and the soil, making the whole outdoors alive with fresh scents that draw you to raise your nose and sniff at the air, trying to identify what these wonderful scents are. I love the rain today, it has turned this very room into a sepia scene. Taking on a touch of the old photograph look. Rain now falls in steady streams off the side of the house, falling below to the plants we have put in a row, to be watered by this run-off.
Just another ordinary day with extraordinary life bursting forth all around me.
Oh a bit of a p.s. here...that snake I was so worried about stepping on this morning, well when I went out to check the mail, there he was dead in the road, run over by a car or a truck. Guess I won't be worried about seeing him any more.
I like your observations about the animals b4 the storm. Very descriptive.
I hope you have another great day, today.