The Labyrinth and Prayer Garden

The Children's hospital has a prayer garden with a labyrinth in it. I walked it today, praying, thinking positive thoughts and feeling at peace during this winding slow paced walk. I was alone in the garden, the time and space were my own. The flowers, the trees, the water fountains all contribute to making this a place of prayer and meditation.

If you have never walked a labyrinth, try and find one to walk. They are special.


Susan said…
Hey, Patty -

I too am captivated by labyrinths... and the power of walking meditation - there is one behind our UU church... and I also meet up with a friend at a different labyrinth on (or near) the "anniversary" of a musician friend's death. Tomorrow will be five years - our get-together is scheduled for this Sunday...

I am thrilled to read how well Mei-Ling is recovering - the wind has carried our prayers... <3

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