A Beautiful Service
It's been years since I have been to a church service that has left me feeling good when I walked out the door. Today was so refreshing, so calming, so holy, so beautiful. The preacher preached a fantastic sermon, the music was exceptional, the people were friendly and sincere. We felt so welcomed and then the baptism, which was more a healing dedication type thing was so filled with love and beauty that it left me silent.
Mei-Ling was her delightful self, full of smiles, that is until the healing holy water was put on her, then she cried, but only for a moment !
It was simply a beautiful day.
Here is the morning in pictures !
I just so enjoy your blog..I love that you are so down to earth and human and don't try to be different than YOU are. You sure inspire me!!
Thank you for sharing the pictures with the rest of us bloggers ;)