The Birth of A New Day
I suddenly remembered the large snake everyone in the family had been seeing. One day this rat snake was in the wood stored in the beams of Emery's work shop. I didn't like going in there now, wondering if something was slithering over my head, dark darting eyes watching me. Gives me the creeps ! For the next few steps in the wet grass I was mindful of where my feet landed, but then the power of the moment became stronger than worry over stepping on a snake with my bare feet. Huge bumble bees dived into the morning glories, hungry to do their work.
Leaves from the old worn out cottonwood tree are already falling to the ground. The tree is tired, leaning over with age. The morning is full of beauty. The amount of growth in this unusual wet, less hot summer is amazing. Time to head back to the house, breakfast to be path clearly visible in the dew laden grass, wandering paths, just as the sights have taken me.