Mei-Ling Today
came in to share some good news, the holes in her heart are almost closed. Just tiny pin holes that they really couldn't even see without very close examination. Just one month ago the Doctor told Melanie that the holes would not close up because of where they were located but that she would just keep growing and the holes would be smaller proportionately. Well, they have closed and he said her heart is perfect. They took her off the heart monitors toady. Now, we just need to keep praying that her kidney function be normal.
The antibiotics they were giving her were just the right ones for her strain of infection so things are looking up.
She was making faces at me today, smiling and much more content. Casi's dad and Step mom were visiting and Mei-Ling just loved all the attention.
Keep praying for that big miracle of complete healing ! Thanks everyone for your prayers and good thoughts.
Isn't it just amazing that her holes in her heart are almost closed.
Great news to end the day.
Miracles do happen.
I was so happy to read your post this morning. I had trouble sleeping last night and was up in the middle of the night for a couple of hours. I spent much of that time praying for precious Mei-Ling.