What Is It You Really Want ?

Asking a simple question of what do you want out of life, often results in first answers such as,
"a good job" or "plenty of money to pay the bills". If you ask why the person wants a good job or plenty of money, you might see them scratch their heads and say something like, "so I can be happy". Dig deeper yet and ask why they want to be happy and you soon find out that most of us are in search of some kind of spiritual happiness but often don't even recognize what it is that we are after. We just go after things hoping to feed this hunger in our souls for such things as love, peace, harmony, joy and yes, happiness. The thing is, those very things we are really in want of, don't require lots of material big-ness. The need for bigger and better often comes from feeling smaller and less on the inside. There are some in search of happiness that seek it by means of a fancy car, a big house and fancy things, only to find at the end of the month they need to rob Peter to pay Paul. Use credit cards to pay utility bills, bounce checks, make late payments or simply open up another credit account so they can buy what they want. Only the stress of such a life, sort of robs the person of any feelings of peace and harmony. It soon becomes too hard to keep up and happiness seems further off than ever. Look at all these foreclosures we are hearing about, many of them are the results of buying a house without researching the details of their Adjustable Rate Mortgages, or buying more than they could handle if just one small aspect of their income changed. "Wanting" blinded some of making a good choice. Its a reality that raises don't always come at the right time with an adjustable rate mortgage ! I guess this is on my mind today because just last week I spoke with a young person looking at their dream house, ready to sign on the dotted line without one bit of information on Adjustable Rate Mortgages or any concept of the real cost of keeping up a home. Not a dime saved for a down payment, or understanding of closing costs. The big dream house blinded them of reason, and blinded them of what it is they really want in life. Peace and harmony are not things that can be purchased, they are spiritual, not material. The problem is, so many folks are not seeking to find inner peace without first seeking the "bling" as a means to happiness. Find inner peace first and then if you still want the "bling" and can afford it without adding worry to your life, go for it.
Inner peace is spiritual, its something you can have with you in the "poor house" or in a mansion. Not often do you read a story of seeking out a sage that lives in a mansion though. Most sought after spiritual folk are living simply, having understood that the pursuit of fancy surroundings seem to detract from seeking the deeper meaning of life. Through time, people have sought monks in caves, sages in simple huts, prophets without a home. Yet, we seem to fail to make a connection that it is their simple life that allows them to find such inner peace. You see, they understand that things don't help us hear the voice of God whisper in our ear.
And when it comes right down to it, if you ask questions long enough, you will find that we are all seeking peace, harmony, and happiness.


What do I really want? I can not think of a thing I really need! LOL! Oh sure it would be nice to have better health but I am doing just fine. i am content with my life!
Marianna said…
Great post Patty. I hear a disturbing story the other day that credit counselors are seeing people choose to forgo mortgage payments in favor or credit card payments when funds become tight. Talk about short-sighted!
JenJen said…
Hence my user name. We have the modern conveniences, but nothing too outrageous. I like to have a good, peaceful home. Within that home, I create a peaceful environment.

We have a very quiet life, and we are both enjoying that very much.


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