Walnut Oatmeal Patties
Melissa was talking to me today about how she has no idea on how to cook meat, even chicken and Melanie is the same way. Its just not been part of our diet. My son in laws just have to live meatless lives at home since the girls don't cook meat.
Today I made a recipe that was in a cookbook I used in 7th grade, called Chefs and Cookettes , which I think was written primarily for students just learning to cook vegetarian, which means the recipes are easy to make. These patties are easy to make and always tastes great. If you are vegan you can use an egg substitute and soy milk where it calls for milk. I think the original recipe called for cream, but I have never used cream.
These patties can be served in burger buns or just as an Entree.
Walnut Oatmeal Patties
3/4 c. walnut or pecans ground
1 small onion diced
1 cup quick oatmeal
2 eggs unbeaten
4 T milk
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 cups water
2 t. vegex or Savorex (found in health food stores)
1. Mix all ingredients except last two. Stir well.
2. Mold into patties; ( I let them set for a few minutes before molding them) brown on both sides in a slightly oiled skillet.
3 Make broth of water and vegex. Pour over patties in the skillet and simmer for 30 minutes on top of the stove or in the oven, turning occasionally. ( my note, use boiling water so the vegex melts easily and does not cause a mess when adding it to the hot pan)
Makes 6 patties
the chapter illustration from my old school cookbook
the patties after they have been all cooked