"Harmonic Wealth"

"If all it takes to be wealthy is money...why is it that lottery winners almost always end up right back where they started?"
~ James Arthur Ray~

I don't want anyone to come away from reading my blog thinking I hate money or am "afraid" of it as Chocokitty suggested. Yes, in this case I do understand the meaning of "from whence it comes" but just in case I have not made myself as plain as I could to my readers...here is the facts. I am not a hater of money, matter of fact I like money quite a bit, it does good things. And I certainly don't mind that I live well above the national average income. It allows me to live simply and then help where I see a need. It would be a lie for me to say I wish I had LESS money. But the entire point of my blog, my life, my personal philosophy, is that money does not make you happy. Having things doesn't give you inner peace. The accumulation of "stuff" does not bring you contentment. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that other areas of our life need to be in line before we could ever enjoy true wealth, harmonic wealth. Like I often say, no one seems to go to a mansion to visit a sage for spiritual guidance. And no one needs to feel like they have to have lots of money in order to be recognized as a worthy person in life. Money is no measure of a man/woman. It's you life and what you do with your life that is the measure of who you are. Nothing to do with your bank account.
So many folk seem to want to put the cart before the horse and put money in front of the other areas of life that need to become rich and full and that's when it just doesn't seem to work.

Paul Sutherland sums it all up....."According to The American Heritage Dictionary, harmony is "a pleasing combination of elements in a whole: color harmony, the order and harmony of the universe. So, according to the definition of harmony, then true harmonic wealth must include more than an awesome bank account, because a truly wealthy life has to mean more than money. If wealth is the main component of a happy existence, then why do people like Howard Hughes have all the money they could possibly need, and still die a lonely, secluded man? Money may buy you a lot of material possessions and pay the bills, but it is true-money cannot buy you true happiness. To have true harmonic wealth you need to be happy in all aspects of your life, including your personal relationships. A life devoid of true love and friendship is truly poor. Even if you have the money to buy companionship by essentially spoiling others to hang around, that is not true companionship. Would the people in your life still be there if you did not have two coins to rub together?Likewise, even with all the money in the world, will you be happy if your body is unhealthy. Sure, you have the money for the best of health care, but doctors can only do so much. If you are sick a lot, will you truly enjoy your monetary wealth and relationships? No. Probably not.Similarly, you may have a great job that provides you with wealth. The money helps you pay for the big fancy house in a posh neighborhood. You family is in want for nothing. However, you are not happy at work. Your job is simply a means to an end. You are not doing what you would really love to do for a career. Are you truly wealthy? Not exactly. The true meaning of harmonic wealth is feeling rich in every area of your life. Spiritually, you are a peace with who you are at the very core of your being. Emotionally, you are happy and you are rich in love and friendship; you enjoy good health, and you have plenty of money. If you have achieved happiness and contentment in all areas of life, you probably already know the true meaning of harmonic wealth. "


The Stricklands said…
Isn't it wonderful when we get to that place of gratitude when we are just thankful for what God has provided without the petty selfishness of the past. Nothing that can be bought in this world will ever replace the love of family and friends. To wake up each morning so thankful for a soft bed, warm house, a full cup of coffee, and sleepy toddlers is a blessing in itself.
Anna said…
After watching the film "The Secret" for the first time the other day, I came away with such a distaste for the emphasis on money and things in our society. As if these twisted ideals weren't enough, now lo and behold, there are a bestelling book and a movie on the subject.

As the Bible tells us, money is the root of all evil (but, that's not to say it is evil in and of itself). It's my belief that having "enough" money is a byproduct of right living, and not something you can wish into existence by following any "secret" formula.
Unknown said…
Hey Anabelle, read the scriptures more intently love. It's not money that is the root of all evil...it is the LOVE OF MONEY that is the root. In other words when someone loves money more than they love people for example they will succumb to despicable, dishonorable and immoral behavior in order to acquire that which tempts them from within their own heart.

God very much wants all of us to prosper. True prosperity in every area of our lives. Money is a tool just as is a hammer but I wouldn't recommend using a hammer to pay your bills or likewise using your money to establish your relationships.

Money is fine in and of itself...it is the disposition of the heart which matters. Afterall, as Christ, the central figure of the bible said long ago..."it is not what enters a man's mouth the defiles a man but rather what proceeds out of the mouth".

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