Where Did The Week Go ?

It's hard to believe its Friday already...the week went so fast. My dad leaves tomorrow morning and it breaks my heart to see him go. We have had such a nice visit. Although he might be anxious to eat some "normal" food. Lets just say he is not into health food : )
I have cooked some of his favorite foods that my mom used to make for him. He deserves a bit of spoiling. He told us he has slept so good while here, sleeping the whole night through, not waking up in the night. Its' comforting to sleep in a house with other people around. Plus feather beds seems to induce sleep and our guest room has a really thick feather bed !
Family is important to us in so many stages of life. As newlyweds its nice to have mom close at hand to help share the "how to's" of life. How to cook certain foods or clean certain items. And to have dad close at hand to lend a helping hand on a project around the house. When the babies start to arrive, its so good to be able to have your mom and dad handy to share wisdom on child rearing and how to handle the first fever or share the joy in so many "firsts". And now as the years have slipped by, it would be so nice to have Dad here to share in the joys of the next generation and for us to spoil him a bit, do things for him, look after some of his needs.
The rooster is waking the world around me as I write. A new day. Chores to be done. There will be hay stuck in my clothes, the smell of sweet feed on my hands. Puppy prints on my skirt and a heart full of wonder as I walk past flowers in bloom, birds in the trees and look up to a sky of morning sunshine. I will cook breakfast, do some dishes, can tomato sauce and sit a spell and visit with the children this evening. There is supper to make, laughter to share and once again chores to be done. Life is pretty good you know, but the week sure has gone by way too fast for me.


Yes, the week has zoomed by. Hmmm, nothing better than a feather bed. It just cuddles and envelopes you. Wonderful!

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