Tuesday Morning Chores
I drift lazily past the little mint and lavender garden. Its perked up since I gave it a good soaking yesterday morning. The summer heat has arrived with vengeance. It was 100 yesterday. There are no potted herbs for me, I like working in the soil that lays on the earth like a blanket of deep brown. I notice lots of red in the garden, tomatoes ready to be picked. Later...on the way into the house I will stop by and pick them, enjoying the smell of the vines. I find several cucumbers too and check the progress on the cabbage and the cantaloupes. Pepper is swimming in her pool, wait, swimming is not the right word, more like "frantically jumping in and out of the pool" might be a better description of what actually takes place. Pepper made a big mistake this morning. She decided to go "play" with the kittens...well, momma cat certainly didn't approve of this new playmate for her young ins and went after Pepper as only a protective mother can. Pepper ended up whimpering away, her tail between her legs. Guess she won't try that again !
Time for me to start the indoor work...the cleaning up the living room which suddenly seems swallowed up in baby things. Grand-baby toys, playpen, all sorts of amusements that encroach on so many corners of a room and eventually spill out into the entire room.
Life is good....no complaints here.