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Mei-Ling spent the night with us, poor baby had been so upset seeing her mommy crying in pain when I got to their house last night, and the baby knows all too well from her own experience what an ambulance is for.
Mei-Ling woke up all cheery so I went in to get her with my camera and she looked at me as if to say, "Grammie, I just want out of here, not have pictures taken !"
Later she had some Cheerios as a snack and she was very intrigued by being able to get them out of the bag herself. Children are such blessings...after I fed her breakfast she kept giving me kisses and hugs as if she knew Grammie needed them.
God is so good, there are blessings all around us, even in times of hardship and pain.
How many ways can you stuff Cheerios in your mouth ???
Mei-Ling is wearing a dress that was her Auntie Melissa's and of course Melanie wore it too !
A Hand me down that is 27 years old !
Know my prayers are with Melanie, and all of you ~ your photos are beautiful ~ may all the angel be with Melanie... sending angel hugs, Joellyn