Gentle Quiet

Gentle quiet is the only phrase I can come up with to describe the moment. Melanie asleep on the sofa, wrapped up in an old familiar quilt. Mei-Ling in her crib, weary from a morning of play and a long bath time. John Michael Talbot singing in the background. Soft music, that speaks of God's love. It is the kind that makes the mood feel meditative. An apple cinnamon candle scents the room, mixing with the smell of bread baking and potatoes boiling on the stove. Hopefully the smell of eggs boiling will get lost in the mix of good smells. Deviled eggs will be ready for Melanie to take home with her tonight. Its one of her favorites. Yesterday when my cradle came, she cried. It was bad timing. There is such fresh pain. My heart aches for her and her little family. Loss is never understood, just accepted in some way that we try to make sense of.
I sit here wondering what else I can make for her, to show my love in a tangible way, a nurturing way. Yes, I am caring for her, tending to her needs but I am from the old school, the one that says favorite foods sooth the soul.
I hear little baby sounds coming from the other room. Time for me to peek in and grab up that bundle of joy that has skin so soft and kisses a plenty.

The Simple Joys
They miss so much who do not know
The simple joys of long ago.
The quiet hour, the easy pace,
A path to walk, a day to face.
A small white flower, a bird that sings,
The Happiness in the little things.
The patience for a task, well done,
The gift of rest at set of sun.
The thankful heart, the lift of care,
A friend nearby, a time of prayer.
How much they miss who do not know
The simple joys found long ago.
~Amy Perrin~


Julian said…
I have 6 kids. We lost a little girl 3 years ago. I was 4 months pregnant, and she just stopped growing. The most healing things that helped me were hugs, and love. Nothing said necessarily, but just simple love shown. This is a time for Melanie and her family to grieve, yes, but it is also a time for Melanie and God. I had to lose my baby to gain something of God that I couldnt otherwise. I suffered greatly, and each time I saw a pregnant lady, I felt the heartache afresh. Time to be quiet, and have others help without saying too much , to listen to them, to support them, this is helpful to the healing. I ended up making baby quilts to help myself heal. For other mamas. I wonder if there would be a quilt you could make her that could depict this part of her journey. I am praying daily for her. Christina
Momzoo said…
I love your blog, I really do. I love that you post several times a day and your posts are always so sweet, and peaceful.
Patty said…
Hi Christina, wise words, thank you for sharing them. I lost my first baby, much in the same way Melanie lost this wee one and then a couple more misscarriages after my girls were born. It is a loss you carry with you forever.
Patty said…
Thanks Aimee, glad you like to visit this little space of mine
AK Angel said…
so pleased to read of Melanie resting amidst her mother's comforts and love ~ also pleased to know someone else enjoys John Michael Talbot as much as I do ~ his music is one that 'speaks' the word of God ~ I use his instrumentals for meditations... sending all angel hugs...
Patricia said…
I sensed the moment reading your post... how delicious. You are such a beautiful writer.
I feel so sorry for sweet Melanie and her loss. All of you lost a precious little jewel.
Anonymous said…
I admire your heart so much! Melanie has many friends and even strangers praying for her little family!
GreenishLady said…
I am so sorry to hear that Melanie has lost her baby, and yet so glad for her that she is cared for by such a loving mother as you.

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