My Basket Overfloweth

This is just from this morning ! Needless to say our tomato plants are out-doing themselves this year. 100% organic too : )


Momzoo said…
there is nothing better than a tomato sandwich on homemade bread and the tomato so fresh it is still warm from the garden!
Aunt Jenny said…
Just beautiful..I still will have quite a wait here for tomatoes like that ..we harvest most of our tomatoes in August. I do have nice healthy plants going though, and tiny green ones on some of them now. I love seeing your photos!
My favorite food in the world is fresh garden tomatoes with cottage cheese..yum!
JacquiG said…
Wow, they look good. We won't have any tomatoes for a while yet. The temperatures here are on the cool side but we've had quite a bit of rain. Hopefully things will warm up soon ... I'm looking forward to freshs tomatoes out of my garden!
Anonymous said…
I have been coming in and doing a lot of reading on your blog. I have enjoyed every visit. Thanks for posting at my blog.

You seem to be enjoying the same joys of gardening as we are. For first timers we have come up with more then we know what to do with. I have started making freezer salsa just so my tomatoe's don't go bad on us. I've also started blanching and freezing green beans, okra, collard greens and squash. Hubby kind of went crazy with planting. This is our first yard and garden (our first home). We have plenty of onions and garlic and herbs also. We are just not sure how to tell when our potatos are ready. LOL He even planted some corn. It's coming up fast. We love our yard and gardening. It has been such a blessing to us this year.

Have a wonderful day!
Patty said…
Hi Rebecca,
Your potatoes will be ready when the plants die.
Sunny said…
Looks like the garden of "eatin'", eh? I want some. No worry about salmonella in those tomatoes.
Dana and Daisy said…
makes my mouth water!

I see home canned tomatoes, ketchup and salsa in your future!
Anonymous said…
Thanks, Hubby just said today they looked like they were dying. How exciting! People laugh when I get excited about our plants. But, I don't mind. I love watching it all grow. LOL

Thanks Again
Margo in Maine said… they look luscious...nothing like a fresh tomato...pretty display ..we raise beef that is organic...nothing like it...Maine
Anonymous said…
What a fine harvest! My roma's have a few little green orbs peeking out...I'm so happy!!☺
Sharri said…
Wow Pat, you're waaayyyy ahead of us! We only have small green tomatoes on our plants! :0)
Yours look lovely!

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