Where is the Homestead Feeling ? Too Many Empty Nests

This spring I feel a bit lost. For the first time in a long time I am not caring for some sort of baby animals. No new chicks this year, partly because we are a bit worried about bird flu and partly because we have good laying hens right now.
No baby goats, in fact no goats at all. No rabbits, no sheep, just pasture that has turned into land to roam.
In cold weather we still seem so homesteadish like. Hauling in wood, cooking on the woodstove, lighting the lamps each evening.
We have the garden now but a bit of time spent weeding each day is hardly exciting. Soon it will be time to harvest onions and a few other goodies and things will feel a bit more normal.
After all these years of simple living, we have a pretty good system in place so things don't seem overwhelming. I read some homesteaders blogs and laugh a bit , a familiar laugh, thinking, "oh yeah I remember those times".
The children grown and they have learned the value of hard work, physical labor and dedication to see something through to the end.
Maybe we will pick up again on the animal scale of things when Grandchildren come along. I think Children need animals to teach them about work and the importance of caring for living things. Hard work keeps children from being bored and having time to be self centered. Teaches work ethics too.
This morning it just feels a bit empty without any goats or sheep around.
And with the price of gas, I miss having a pony and cart. Gas is $2.85 here in town and on the highway $2.99. Wonder where the prices will stop ?
Think I will go make some cheese, that will make me feel homestead like again. I am wondering if I am feeling a bit of the empty nest syndrome ? No children around and no nests filled with critters. That sounds like double empty nest to me