Spring Morning Beauty and Hats

As soon as the sun was up, while the dew was still heavy on the grass, enough so that my footsteps made a different shade of green in the thick spring grass, I was out working in the garden. Gathering fresh roses, collecting the rose petals from drooping blooms to dry. The sun bright, as it hung in the eastern sky. I was glad for my wide brimmed hat to shade my eyes as I went about my work. More time was spent gazing up at the wispy little clouds and looking to see which bird was singing that delightful praise to its Maker. Fergus trotted around me with a questioning look as to why I was not playing with him. It is simply a delightful spring morning. I so wanted to linger in the grandeur of the moment but to be honest my stomach began to growl quite ferociously. With a fistful of flowers, wet feet and a feeling that the whole world is full of beauty to be savored I climbed the white steps, now heavily patterned with muddy puppy prints, turning around for a moment to look on the amazing green-ness of the yard, that was so brown and brittle for so long.
No time to put things away, my stomach was scolding me for not eating breakfast sooner. A dish of fruit, a tall glass of limeade. Yes, I can almost see your raised eyebrows ! I know its not a typical breakfast juice but so refreshing. Grabbed a book to read while I munch on my fruit, turned on the classical radio station and sat down to enjoy the moment in time, a moment that will never come again and never was before this very second. Good enough reason for me to glory in this moment of delightful sights and sounds.
Naturally I snapped a picture so I could share it with you. Enjoy your day !

Reading material while eating breakfast was..... "The Romance of Hats" ( a perfect book for hat lovers everywhere )


Finn said…
Beautiful post Patty..*VBS" as always..love reading what you are up to, and how beautiful Texas is in the springtime..*S*
Pam said…
What a lovely vision this morning. I must get out into my garden as well and for some reason I don't think my gardening will be quite the same - although I would like to thank you for the inspiration.

I was just standing on the deck this morning looking down on the weeds. So I shall go out today because it is supposed to rain this weekend.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful morning. Gorgeous photos indeed. My mornings are not like yours at all, and characterized by running children around, but hey, they are a beauty and a miracle in itself.

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