Open and Honest Thoughts On The Week in true Ramble Fashion

Its nearly midnight, and there is an owl in the cottonwood tree hooting. Makes me think about how some cultures believe owls are associated with death. Seems appropriate to hear him tonight after the passing of my step mother.
My oldest daughter called me a couple times today, which is certainly not unusual. I called her a couple times too. We like to talk to one another. She made me smile today. I see that the things she does and how she does them stems from the things we did with her as a child and what we taught her about life. Its nice to have like minded children.
She went trail running today. Love that. Makes me smile just thinking about it. Here is my sweet daughter combining things I love so well. Running and hiking.
She is a brilliant person, and I am not just saying that because she is my child. She really is. On top of world events, broad minded, and deep thinking. Compassionate and a teacher.
Hard working too, yet there is a great domestic side to her, a homespun side. You know, healthy food, cotton clothing, earth shoes that sort of thing. Its a good combination. She sent me pictures of the place she ran and it was lovely. In June I will get to hike those trails with her. What fun we will have. Anyone live in Vermont out there ?
I am in true ramble form tonight, I wandered off track from what I was thinking in the first paragraph and just let my fingers type out where my thoughts went. Just as though we were having a conversation, easy talk.
No agenda, just open and honest talk. Almost like the conversations that take place out by our fire pit late in the evenings.
Its been an interesting week. So much growth. I am sincerely grateful to Rose Cottage's Elizabeth for her contribution to my spiritual growth. I am not being funny here or sarcastic. Just totally honest. I am forever grateful to her. Sometimes we need a bit of a push from a different view to show us where we need to be, want to be and by the grace of God where not to be. Sure it all seemed a bit surreal and made lots of people shake their heads, but for me, she gave me one of lifes greatest gifts.
Now, tying in a bit here with what I was mentioning about Melissa. Parenthood is exciting no matter how old your children are. I realized that my life is rich and extremely blessed. Yes I can still say that in a day that held sorrow for my family.
No matter what happens in life, when deep peace is in your heart, nothing can take it. Not death, not controversy, not an oppossing view. Nothing. This peace I feel is profound. I have such love around me. Children who are blessings and not a curse. A husband so filled with love. A simple home, no debts. Good health and vigor.
Steven called me twice today, to chat and share some stuff that is going on in his life. He is a good boy, well young man now I guess.
Melanie came home from shopping with a girl friend. Wedding dress shopping. She will certainly pick something with a bit of flare. I would be disappointed if she didn't. That child is a free spirit. Creative and has the total artist personality but then there is a real geek side to her. She plopped down next to me and showed me her new scrap book stuff so she can record the events from now till her wedding. How fun it is.
Blessings everywhere. In the simple day to day things and then in the bigger more uncommon events too.
Blogging and meeting new cyber friends is certainly a blessing too and as always I love hearing from you.
Tomorrow will be a day for me to wander with camera in hand. Have no idea where I will go but wherever I end up it will be great. Emery is working, so the journey tomorrow will be my own. Sunday we will hike together on some rough trail and hear only our footsteps and our gentle conversation. We will have a lunch of fruits and nuts and our old stand by of whole wheat tortillas with cashew butter and raisins. Melissa must groan when she reads that, as the children believe they have had enough of those in their life and need no more. We hiked a lot with the children from the time they were babies and we always seem to eat the same easy food.
I have had time to think and read a lot about peace and the root of conflict in the last couple days. I also learned that conflict is a tool to either become a better person or a bitter person. Bitterness has a bad taste so I will skip it. I have also held the vision in my mind of an open hand that can receive a gift easily and the fisted hand that is closed to any gift, even a handshake.
This week I learned the value of receiving a kind word, spoken in season. Thank you friends !
All the blessings in my life make it easy for me to not want to hold onto "THINGS" , but rather to hold dear the value of people. "THINGS" perhaps are needed when there is something missing in a persons life. Maybe, meaning and contentment. When there is a need to fill voids left by hurt or loneliness. Voids left by many things I suspect.
Striving more and more for simplicity, seeing the need for it daily.
Seeking Peace always.
my new head gear for hiking. personally modified !