Monday Morning Ramble
The morning air hangs heavy like a soaked woolen shawl flung over my shoulders. Its going to end up a steam bath day, I can just feel it. We don't have many of these days here in North Texas but one is too many for me.
I did some weeding of the garden, but my heart wasn't it in. Just seemed so oppressive being outside in this heavy air.
My hands smell of earth and cilantro. Cilantro has a very strong smell, but I like it. It reminds me of Tibetan soup. I cut lots of this plant today, and although the soup is always so tasty, it just feels too hot to sit down to a bowl of soup.
The flowers all look good today, the contrast of their colors against the rather dull gray sky is appealing to me. Purples, reds, pinks, yellows, and more.
I noticed today is the 24th of the month. I don't always know what day it is, since it doesn't make much difference to me if its the 22nd or the 26th. Time doesn't dictate me much. Makes me feel independent and a bit of a rouge not to care what the date is.
I know its Monday and that seems to be all I need to know today. Other days, the date may be important but today it isn't. Knowing the month is slipping by makes me wonder what I accomplished this month. Will have to sit and think about that one for a while. Not accomplish in the way of what sort of things did I get done, but what did I accomplish for the betterment of my fellow humans.
The neighbors have some dog visiting them, poor thing is just tied out on a bit of rope. Barked all night long and naturally Fergus did too. A barking chorus that no one appreciated. I was glad for window fans and their steady hum, it sort of took the edge off the barking, muffled it a bit. Pretty soon a pack of coyotes joined in and it was as though the natural world was having a concert of really bad singers.
Things are quiet for the moment all except for the birds chirping and singing, which is a bit like listening to classical music after the dogs and coyote concert last night.
I loved the BBC series called "Surviving the Iron Age". Its about a bunch of folks sent to live in round houses and forced to live like people did in the Iron age. I taped it and have watched it maybe 50 times. The way the people coped was interesting. Some were kinda crazy and you wished they would leave the program. But others just fell into the rhythm of the life as though it was familiar. They had lots of damp days when it was just hard to get going. Soggy wool clothes, wet feet, damp everything. Today feels a bit like that only not so extreme. Think I will make some tea, and watch Iron Age one more time. Always makes me want to build my very own round house way out back on our land.