What Are We Here For ? THINGS or People ?

Maybe its because my step mother is so near death, or maybe its just because I am getting older and thinking more about what my own life has meant or means. What am I here on this earth for anyway ? What is my purpose ?While I was baking a cake this morning. The one that didn't get made last night. I thought about how it doesn't seem to matter much if we are a good person, but keep to ourselves. Being a good person, the kind that leaves a legacy is the person who reaches out, extends themselves to others.
I met a lady recently that is really a nice lady, and she said she wished she could have people to her house for a meal or for tea even, but she is a packrat, a hoarder of things and so her house is always a mess. She would have to move things off the chairs for people to sit and her dinning room table is always stacked high with things. She is too embarrassed to have anyone over and does not answer the doorbell if someone stops by.
That is sad, her collection of THINGS is preventing her from doing what she would like. From reaching out to others. I doubt any of us are here on earth just for the purpose of no interaction with others.
Now of course we can interact outside our home very nicely and never let another soul enter our home, but say for instance that was the case in the Bible. You know we wouldn't have many stories that we have, such as Abraham entertaining the angels, Zacchaeus having Jesus over for a meal. The list could go on for quite some time of examples like that.
Some days I feel almost like complaining that my house has a revolving door. People come and go all the time and I never know how many people will be here for a meal. But today, thinking about it, maybe its all a good thing. My house needs to be tidy all the time ! I am not a cleaning fanatic believe me. There is dust to be found on any given day. I don't think about cleaning, make plans to clean, I just clean. Yesterday the house was a real mess, because I pulled everything from the closets and shelves to declutter.
I come from generations of people who had company all the time. If nothing else, family was always stopping by. We have lost that aspect of family life in the U.S. and probably other countries as well.
We work so hard for nice THINGS, two incomes, people tired and stressed, you don't want people over when you feel like that, but you do have a nice car, a nice house, custom made drapes, credit cards, hi tech gadgets, bills, children go to the nicest schools, take this and that kind of lessons. You have clothes from a good store, you run from here to there carting children to all the activities so you can brag about what they do and feel like they have enriched lives. Only thing, the stories of so many great people are the ones that had nothing. What is it that people are really chasing after ? Or is it they are running from ?
To live simply means enjoying people, loved ones, being able to think clearly, have a home that is warm and welcoming, not fancy and huge and takes up all your income and then some. I would have enjoyed stopping by the Ingalls home or Abe Lincolns little cabin more than any fancy home.
I challenge each one of you that read my blog to have someone you know to your home this week. Even if its for a picnic on the floor of peanut butter sandwiches or a fun evening of dominos and chips to eat. Have an old fashioned taffy pull or make ice cream. A true old fashioned social event.
Don't get all in a panic and have to do a 7 course meal and spend a fortune, just on the spur of the moment "cheer someone up buy inviting them over" event. A step to making life full of the simple blessings in life.
We are missing something in this society, relationships with family and friends on a simple level. Marrilla and the neighbor sitting on the porch together as on Anne of Green Gables. Simple things.
pictures....simple fare, simple food, much love.
My Grandparents entertaining my great grandparents and my family.
My parents entertaining us and my sisters and no doubt a friend or two not seen in the picture.
My house, friends and family, the table full of laughter and memories. My best friend Debbie of 45 years, sitting next to Emery.
Your husband is wise to believe in the "open door policy" Even a glass of ice water is a welcome treat with a good visitor