Dreams Do Come True

It stands to reason that with all this talk of love and romance in our home, my mind would wander back nearly 28 years to when I met my husband.
We had known each other a couple years but I didn't think much of him. We worked at the same hospital. He seemed stuck up. But for reasons beyond me, I invited him to a party at my house. He came. My date didn't. He ended up in the emergency room with chest pains, for which they never discovered a reason. My husband and I talked that night and he wasn't at all stuck up, just shy. We never stopped talking. Two weeks after the party, he asked me to marry him and 10 weeks from our first date we were married. He was my knight in shining armor riding a white horse and still is !
Each and every day we fall more in love. The man is a saint. Not once have I heard an unkind word from him. I mean that. He is hard working, smart, classy, kind, compassionate, loving, a fantastic father and husband, and I could go on and on. I just get weak in the knees thinking about him and if I know anything in life, it is that he adores me. Its pretty nice to be so much in love after nearly 3 decades. He has given the girls a wonderful example of what a husband should be. Just like my dad did for me. We will always believe we have one of those amazing love stories, and people who know us, believe that too.
So, here is to love !

Top picture taken this past winter
Florida 1979
Rockport, MA 1978 (taken on one of our first dates)


Patty you and your family are truly blessed! My prayer is that my girls will have what you've experienced, well I pray for that for me too.
Anonymous said…
My sweet blog buddy ,Emery is a cutie his picture remind me of my sweetie in 1978 and 79, we meet in the Air Force and were married 3 months later. We are the lucky ones and I am so happy that your girls have such wonderful role models..Hugs
Granny said…
Patty, America needs more husbands like yours, more wives like you! What a wonderful family!

Judy L.

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