The People in Our Lives, My Sisters

My other sister Janine, we call her Jan, is 4 years older and we are super close, she is my best friend. When we were growing up, she let me hang around with her some times and I loved that. She was so smart in school, I just always wanted to be smart like her.
Jan and I talk just about every day on the phone and we chat on line every night at 9 pm, faithfully and often my daughter Melissa joins in on the chat time. My girls are both very close to Jan. I can safely purchase any Hallmark birthday card for either of my sisters that talks about being sisters and best friends. We can talk about anything and although we may disagree on some things, (we are all opinionated) we never get mad at one another for very long. I know I am blessed to have them both in my life. Being the youngest, I measured my successes against their successes for many years. But somewhere along the line, they both showed me that its great to just be who you are. We love to spend time together in Maine, in the summer, just us girls. We giggle and laugh the entire time. I am really blessed to have them both as my sisters. To hear them talk though, you would think I was super spoiled as a kid and I was the one that got away with everything. In their own ways, they still treat me like I was a baby. Guess thats what happens when you are the youngest.
The pictures are ....
my sister Sandy with my sister Jan 1950
my sister Jan with me, 1960 ( I am on the left)
the three of us, Easter time 1963, all dressed up !