My call to Duty. Influenced by A legacy, Frances Heckbert

Out of her 4 sons, two were successful Harvard educated lawyers. The other two became wealthy, well known contractors, building up large sections of towns around Boston. Frances, "Fannie" did not slack on her mothering duties. I often wonder how she did it all. It is true that she no doubt had a large household staff, but still, it amazes me what she accomplished by the time of her death at age 43. She must have been very unselfish to give so much of her time and energy. It has been said that she was one of the areas greatest philanthropists. As much as she had, she gave. Its almost seems like a call of duty to me when I read about her life. Here I sit, having fun when there is such a need in the world for a helping hand.
A copy of her Canadian obituary follows....
Summerside Journal - 16 April 1891 (page 3)"At Woburn, Mass., on Feb. 8th last, Frances C. Heckbert (nee McLeod) aged 43 years and five months, wife of John W. Heckbert. Deceased was a native of Dundas in this Province, but has resided for over twenty years in Woburn, where her noble and self-sacrificing life endeared her to hundreds of people, upon whose lives she exercised an influence that will ever be felt. She was an active member of the M.M. Church and took a great interest in Sunday School work. She was also a prominent member of the circle of the King's Daughters, the Epworth league, the Ladies Aid Society, the Missionary Society, the Ladies Auxiliary of the Y.M.C.A., the Chatague Young Folks Reading Union and the W.C.T.U., and in each organization she took such an active interest that she will long be missed by members of those bodies. With all the work in connection with these societies she was faithful to the home, to the husband and sons that mourn their great loss."
The picture is of my Great grandfather Percy St Clair Heckbert sitting at a cafe in Cuba, 1925 ish with his wife Emma. Percy was Fannies oldest son
The obituary makes me think -- "will my obituary show how I served others or myself?"
This is good to think about!