Freecycle, cleaning and just thinking

It got to 102 today ! Made me a believer of the greenhouse effect. We have no air conditioners in the windows yet so it was really hot everywhere in the house. I am doing my cooking now at 9:30 pm for tomorrows evening meal. Its a bit cooler now so having the oven on is bearable.
It ended up that I gave away 3 huge trash bags, the leaf size ones, away to Goodwill and several bags full to people on the Freecycle list.
I want to talk here a bit about freecycle. If you aren't a part of it, you should be.
One day not too long ago I learned the value of it. I cleaned out my cupboards, got rid of any and all processed foods. I sent an email to the freecycle list saying I had a few bags of food, if anyone could use it.
What took place was such an eye opener. I had so many emails from people with no food at all in their houses. To me it doesn't matter how they got that way, even if they gambled their money away on lottery tickets the night before, the point is, their family needed food. I have given away blankets, hats, coats etc and in all cases the people really needed them.
When Melissa came for a visit last year, she had her cell phone stolen outside a restaurant. I put on the freecycle that she needed a certain type of phone and within minutes she had a replacement phone for free.
you can go to Yahoo groups and do a search for the freecycle group in your area. Some are more active than others I hear but its a wonderful way to share. My cast offs today, were what some folks wanted or even needed. Sure beats throwing the stuff away and filling up the landfills.
It was so hot tonight, that we decided to head off to our one and only store, wal-mart. For some reason and I suppose it has a bit to do with my dream last night, I wore a head covering and dressed rather plain.
Some of you are wondering right now if I have caved in to some sort of pressure. Nope, no pressure from anyone just me.
As soon as we pulled into the gas station just before the store we saw some Mennonite friends, they practically fell out the window waving to us. So happy to see what they saw. On to wal-mart and there is Stevens Pricilla and her sister walking in the store at the very same moment. She was so happy and friendly. So happy to see me covered. It was sincere and not in any way shape or form a judgment from her. We had a pleasant chat. We saw another couple we knew and felt like it was Mennonite homecoming at the store.
We got what we needed and headed home. A new fan was one of the things we purchased. A need to be sure and not a want.
Got some cute fabric for a new nightgown to take with me when I go visit my family back east in June.
All in all is was a day that helped me seal up my convictions to live simply and humbly.
Sure felt good getting rid of so much stuff today. Tomorrow Steven and Pricilla come for supper and I believe her sister is coming too. Will be a fun evening.
Thanks for the kind words. Now just to define simplicity !