Fine Old Hand Crochet Lace

This afternoon I was going through the box that contained the crochet bedspread I am working on. I have all the pieces done now and just need to sew them together. In looking for more thread, there was a tiny bag in the bottom of the box . I guess I never looked in there before and what an amazing work was in there. It was pure treasure. As if I had stumbled onto a buried chest of gold and gems. My heart skipped a beat as it became clear what I had in my hands.Tiny tiny stitches making up lace pieces. Some made with regular sewing thread weight. Not certain they even make such small rick rack now. I put a penny next to the pieces so you could see what small fine work they are. I sat there touching them, feeling each miniature stitch. Wondering how old Mrs. Williams was when she made these pieces. My 51 year old eyes would need magnifying glasses and some sort of special light to work so small.
It made me wonder about in olden days when hand work was so fine, yet glasses were not wonderful, and certainly lighting was not optimum. I think we are spoiled now !


Patty said…
What a nice offer James ! How very kind of you. I will check my stock and see if I have room for more lace : )

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