Where Did the Morning Go To ?

It's nearing noon and I have just now come inside from chores. The morning flew by. First off it was the animal chores and then once again, sun bonnet atop my head, looking a bit like some character from an old story book, I was behind the high wheel cultivator making rows in the garden. Pushing the fine brown soil to the sides, just deep enough to plant tiny seeds. A neighbor child watching me from over the fence, her brown eyes straining to see me better, there is after all a pasture in between where she stand atop her child size 4 wheeler. She is just past toddlerhood yet she drives this thing. Rows made, I open packet after packet of seed and sprinkle these wonders of nature in the soil. After the seed has been sown, I go back over the rows with my hoe, delicately pushing the soil over the future food. I feel good that all our seed is organic as has been our land for nearing 17 years . Just writing out 17 years has me pause a moment, thinking to myself, has it really been that long ? Have the years slipped past that fast ? Seeds sown, its time to water the garden. It feels like such a big garden when I water it. So far from end to end. Its a good thing though.
Just before shutting the water off, I sprinkle some on the mint and lavender garden. Oh how I love that mixed scent of the two fragrances raising up from the garden ! Before things get too wet I turn off the hose and stop to weed a bit in this heavenly spot. Soon enough the job seems done enough for now and I busy myself with picking the best tops off the mint plants. Ginger mint, peppermint, candy mint, chocolate mint and orange mint to name a few. My hand over flowing with mint so I take off my bonnet and use it as a basket of sort, if I had my apron on, I would have used it, as I do so often when gathering eggs. Pulling it up into a nice safe calico nest of sorts. Peppermint tea is soon simmering on the stove, filling the house with a candy cane sort of smell. I think I will stop some by to Emery at his office, it will be a good refresher for a busy Monday. How thankful I am to have him work so close to home. Soon he will be even closer as their office is moving closer yet to us.
This life of ours is good, pretty near perfect for us. One thing is not perfect, having Melissa and James so far from us. Perhaps in time that will change as they hope it will as much as we do.


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