Homestead Life is Never Dull, especially in Autumn

There is always something that gives us chance to say "life is never dull."
The sun rose this morning so orange in the sky. Pumpkin color. A sure sign that fall is here. Leaves will start to turn brown with a tiny bit of color here and there. Texas is not a place of beautiful fall colors, more like dull colors. I do miss New England in the fall time. It will be time to give the woodstove a good cleaning and blacken before it begins another season of work for us. It will be time to change the furniture around so that some things are not so close to the stove as they are now and make room for the wood ring and give the kindling box a place of honor near the stove. We also need to put a safety fence up around the stove. Babies need to be kept safe from the stove. Getting ready for the cold months means some work needs to be done and sooner rather than later. It's not a good plan to wait until the last minute. My milk house barn needs a new roof before we start to get rain again and Emery wants to put in a dutch door into the feed room. Making life a bit easier for me. The children have all said the same thing, they wish we had such a nice set up when they were all doing the chores. Life tends to be that way. You have more money to do things AFTER the children are gone.
Time for me to get busy with the new day.....chores to be done.
What a delicate description of a most undesireable event...
It isn't big enough for the whole family, though, so we've taken the "not so big house" idea into action, and have a dining room that is somewhat part of the kitchen (visually) and the dining table is now the larger "kitchen table" without the cooking done there - it helps not to have to clear all the cooking away before setting the table. I'd never be that efficient!