A Busy Busy Day
Emery's idea of a vacation is probably not what most folks envision. It always involves lots of work, which we love doing together. Today we went to get some of our winters supply of sudan hay and then stack it in the barn. Summer weather is back so it was hot work, and both of us ended up with hay stuck to us. Emery did 99% of the work but that 1 % I did, seemed like a lot ! Later we purchased what we needed for fall planting which means an big garden day tomorrow. Emery made a cage to fit in the back of Casi's pick up truck so we could transport a Buck to our house. Hopefully there will be a bit of romance in the goat pasture this week and babies due in about 5 months.
After the cage was done, we headed off to pick up the Buck we are using for a few weeks. He is a nice boy, not real rowdy so loading him wasn't all that bad and unloading him was not bad either. Bucks are stinky fella's so you really don't want to handle them all that much. The minister at the Mennonite church has a goat dairy and he was happy to let us borrow this young gentleman. There must be over 200 does milking at that farm. Its an amazing place and so well maintained. We visited a bit before heading home, Steven and Priscilla were there for a bit too, so Grammie got to see her youngest grandblessing. Elizabeth was in the car in her car seat, raising her arms up to me to take her out but I was helping with the goat business and was not very clean after this hard day of work.
The hay
Mr Bucky
Cinnamon looks a bit suspicious of this new guest and the new man about town seems more interested in the grass than the girls at this point.
The next time we needed a buck we had him trucked in for a short visit. Easier than driving Miss Elizabeth but stinky, stinky.