Who is this in the mirror ?

Today was weight watchers and I was happy to see that I dropped another 2 and one half pounds. After WW I headed off to the fitness center where I worked out for a full 4 hours.
That will not be my normal routine but this is a busy week for me and I wanted to get some serious time in since I only have one more time to work out this week.
40 minutes on the treadmill, 30 minutes on the stationary bicycle, then did what seemed endless time on the elliptical and the stair master. I am sure it was about 15 minutes between them, but it felt like hours. Did quite a workout with my trainer then did Pilates and stretching. Tonight I am a little stiff and feel 52 years old. Usually I feel about 28 years old.
I noticed something today at the gym. I would walk to some other machine and notice myself in the mirror, (each wall is mirrored) and each time I saw myself I thought, "who is that ?" I don't feel like I look. Most of the time, mirrors are something I avoid.
In my mind, my body is not so fat, so big. But on the other hand, when sewing my clothes, 99% of the time, I make my clothes 2 or 3 sizes bigger than me. My brain never seems to get things right when it comes to looking at myself. Today I realized that by next year, my body, what I will see in the mirror, will match what I feel in my brain. This work of transforming my health and size, feels like a part time job. Its hard work. I let it go for too long. The older you are the harder it is to loose extra pounds.
My trainer Amanda is fantastic and we clicked right off. This is going to work for me this time, simply because I am ready to WORK to reach my goals.
It is work too. Really hard work.

Down 2.5 lbs this week

Me, never looking in the mirror. In time I will


Anonymous said…
You are doing an awesome job Patty. I totally know what you mean about not feeling how you might really look. I truly feel thinner than I really am and when I see myself I can't believe it. Same goes with my age. I really feel like I look younger than I actually look until I actually look. :)
Rowan said…
I don't think anyone looks the way they think they do! I can't imagine working out for 4 hours - I'm reasonably fit but I think that would about finish me off! Well done with the weight loss too.
Tina Leigh said…
Patty we've been missing you at OFT but I can see why...you have been busy!! Congrats on the wt. loss! I have lost a good bit this year...it has been VERY SLOW going but I noticed while out picking up limbs in the yard..well I feel so much better & it doesnt bother me near as much to do the work. The eating right is till hard! I've always been a junk food eater. Keep up the good work. Hope to hear from you at OFT soon.
Anonymous said…
thanks to you, I realize I have to work on myself, as well. I'm trying to balance my diet (weight watchers, as well), but I'm so "allergic" to physical exercise! I think you did the right thing to get a "coach" at the gym. That's what I ought to do...
Keep going !

Anonymous said…
I have seen some of those mirrors that don't show what the real-me should be too!
Congrats on your weight loss and sticking to a plan. I'll get there too....eventually.
Shellie said…
Congratulations on the weight loss. Keep it up. Since the move, I haven't kept up with my walking. It's time to get moving again.

BTW, I love the baby quilts you showed. They're adorable.

To answer your question, yes, we're homeschooling again. All the kids are doing really well with being back. Although, ds complains that I give him too much work. He forgets all the hours he spent on silly busy work last year. ;) I just tell him that I can always send him to school for 8 hours a day instead of the 2-3 that he spends now and that usually sets him straight. ;)

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