Sweet Gentle Rain

Its just one of those days when the house feels extra cozy. Soft rain has been falling for most of the day making being inside a pure delight.
The house seems a bit dark from lack of sunshine steaming in the windows but its not a bad thing, its nice. Looking out the windows, gives me a view of such bright green grass, dark wet tree bark and Robins hopping about. It surprised me to see them I must admit.
The lamp light isn't really necessary, more of just a pleasantry to chase away the grayness in one corner of the room.
The clock ticking away the minutes on the piano reminding me I should be sewing on my dress for the wedding and not sitting here at the computer.
I am tired though, went to the fitness center and worked out. Took a class that was certainly high impact, a step class. It was hard work and to be honest I am not sure if its the thing for me. I would rather spend that much energy throwing hay bales or carrying 50 pound feed sacks. I came away from the gym wondering today if its a place where people go to chase their youth more than staying fit. I have my own agenda of getting fit and loosing weight, but its really an environment of fountain of youth seekers and folks very into self. Yes, that seems like a judgment but it isn't, its just more retelling what some of the folks I met there told me. Not wanting to look old, not wanting to look saggy. Seeking the perfect body. I felt uncomfortable with that amount of self absorption.
Women stood together in little groups in the shower room complaining about their husbands and how they are so dissatisfied with their lives. I left there feeling strange that I had said, I love my husband and love my life. As though I had crossed some line of demarcation separating the masses from the few.
It seems to be very little balance in this environment.

Walking through my front door after working out, filled me with pure joy. The sweet gentle rain, making it feel all the more inviting to be inside looking out. I sat on the sofa and just looked out the window in silence. Reminders of love all around me. Simple life, simple dreams, simple goals, and so few disappointments in life for me.
I do work at being content, being grateful for the smallest things in each day. The way the leaves turn and bend in the wind, or the way the clouds float across the sky. The way Emery looks at me or what it felt like this morning to get a wonderful email from Melissa first thing this morning. So many things giving a bit of joy.
Bowing my head in prayer to thank God for His mercy and His never ending patience with me. Praying that my children's children will be god fearing and have lives filled with love all around them.
I am ever so grateful for the sweet gentle rain of this day.
Tonight we head to the airport to pick up my dad. Can't wait !


Jenny said…
I haven't been to a gym for 20 years but your experience is so similar. It sounds as though nothing has changed - so much posturing and lack of modesty, so much self absorption. Horrible place. When I went I looked the part but I couldn't play the part. I'd much rather be outside doing something useful with my energy. Most people don't go to gyms so there must be many who feel the same way.
Patty said…
Hi Jenny,
When I was reading your comment, my head kept nodding in agreement and then like a flash of lightning the thought hit me, its just the kind of place Christ would go since he hung out with all the folks that needed his help the most.
....Jesus said, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.

Maybe its a place for me to be an example.
Jenny said…
Patty, I was thinking the same thing.

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