Being Tourists in Texas

Fields readied for winter, bales of hay laying in greening fields. The sky, reaching endlessly in all directions. My father commented on how flat it is and for me, its more that its wide open, almost begging you to get on a horse and ride off into the sunset.
At the museum I was surprised to be honest at the amount of Texas history that is contained in this one place. I learned so much and came out of there so proud to be living in this state.
They have a wonderful collection of guns that have been used by the Texas Rangers, some old handguns weighed nearly 5 lbs. They allowed to pick them up, making you wonder how a man could hold one up and shoot while riding a horse. My arm would be tired just holding the gun for a minute or two. You got to see how through time the guns changed style. It felt like you understood more how the west was won by being there and reading the history and seeing the old photos. The museum has many other items that were part of the Rangers life in early Texas history.
I especially enjoyed some of the exhibits that spoke about the life some of the early Rangers wives and how hard life was in the mid 1800's in this area. Gave me such an appreciation for those that paved the way for future generations. Often times the Rangers were gone for long periods of time, leaving their families alone. The women of those early years were tough and strong both emotionally and physically.
Of course I felt a twinge of discomfort thinking about how this land was stolen from the native people. That is something hard for me to reconcile.
It gave me time to ponder the differences in times.
How we all stay so connected these days by phone, cell phone and email, I wonder if we could remain calm, not knowing what is happening to our loved ones.
If we worry for just a few seconds about someone, we are on the phone connecting with them for reassurance.
I still don't have a cell phone but there is usually some way for me to reach family and friends.
The time change has left me feeling tired tonight and ready for bed long before my usual time. It will be nice to get up and have it light sooner, but on the other end of the day, I will be ready for bed soon after supper. Never in my life have I liked staying up late.
The lamps have been blown out for the night, the fire has died down, leaving only glowing embers casting a copper glow on the floor in front of the stove. The clock on the piano is clicking away the minutes, reminding me that a comfy bed awaits me. Tomorrow will be another day of baking goodies for my father to enjoy. Not so good for my diet though !
My Dad and Emery at the museum
A copy of a letter from a Texas Rangers wife in 1906. Click the picture to make it larger to read
tonight I am grateful for........
God, a power higher than ourselves in which we can hope in, have confidence in the fact that He will help us. We are not alone, not without help
For my dad, a wonderful man... full of health and vigor.
For my children, each one so amazingly wonderful, so thoughtful, so loving.
For my beloved....for his love note to me this morning. For his beautiful hands, strong and tender at the same time.
For our land, now turning green again with the fall rains.
For the fall sunsets of turquoise and peach. Colors that come in October and leave in November.
For the colors of salt glazed pottery, and natural stoneware. For the color of flax and cotton, wool and wheat freshly ground.
For life, love and laughter