Dieting Caution

I want to beg you to make sure you get sound advice when seeking to diet. Make certain you are looking in the direction of a well proven, nutritionally sound diet plan, not just what someone has discovered for themselves. People loose weight just eating just cabbage but that doesn't make it a sound diet. Look for information from an educated dietitian or a well proven plan like Weight Watchers, South Beach, Biggest Losers, SparkPeople or the like. People have their own particular health issues and you need to get wisdom from those that know what works for each situation. Diabetics need special advice as do other health issues.I am shocked at the meal suggestions out there for weight loss. Some of them are treading on dangerous ground and malpractice is alive and well for anyone who gives dietary advice acting like they are experts.
I have done some searches lately since I am dieting seriously and what I have seen out there is beyond words.
Get support from folks who have struggled with their own personal weight issues, and had success, but make sure the diet plan you use is sound and healthy.
There are suggestions we can all share for ways to deal with the issues associated with weight gain but when it comes to suggesting meal plans, please look to the experts.