Life is so Good

Emery sitting by my side, our conversation full of love and dreams.
I think in all honesty, my life is perfect. Emery and I are madly in love, we have happy children, each one has found their true love in life. We have a grandchild on the way, many wonderful friends and family part of my life each and ever day. Not a single enemy in my life.
A home so filled with love and the elements of the simple life we find such joy in. The home heated with wood, large garden, fresh eggs, no debt, simple home that reflects what we believe in living humbly and not showy. Colors that reflect simplicity and restfulness. There is a deep feeling of peace that seems to fill our lives from end to end. What you see here is just what it is, it is real. Openness is easy, no secrets.
Its just as though each and every aspect of my life has been blessed beyond words. Born under that lucky star type thing.
Energy during the day and restful undisturbed sleep at night. Vigorous health and vitality. Sounds like I am bragging but no, its more like sharing how wonderfully blessed I feel. Sure, we have had our share of hardships, but always they work out so fine in the end.
As I age, I grow more in love with life. Feeling more comfortable in my own skin with each new year. Yes, there are days I feel full of uncertainty about who God is and what He wants. Keeps me on my toes as I am never really sure I have the answer. There is the fun of learning and seeking and that is a challange I love. No blind faith in any one persons words.
Counting our blessings is a good way to spend our time. Positive outlooks change the way we live and even our health. And there are not many folks that like to be around people who are full of doom and gloom or drama. I have a friend who is always the same, consistently happy. He is that way in his home with his family, he is that way at work, and socially. He sees every single event and action in his life as meant to be. He accepts everything with that same inner peacefulness that no other person can take from him. He told me once, he could allow someone to take his happiness, but he would have to give it to them first and he wasn't going to do that. He is a joy to be around. His motivation is simple, he lives to relive the suffering of others in any way he can. Actually as I was writing about this friend of mine, it seemed as if I was describing Emery too. He is like that. Emery is one of the nicest people I have ever met. He is really good, deeply good.
Its getting late and if I don't stop here, it seems I could ramble on for hours tonight. Words flow easily when on a night like this. Cool air seeping through the window screens, tickling the curtains. The night air quiet. The sky, indigo in the moonlight. Clouds like worn lace with holes, floating slowly past the big moon. On a night like this, you feel so free and content.
Yup, I feel blessed.
On the line, baby clothes, fresh and clean. Future Grandmother, full of joy and anticipation. Sort of sums it all up.
Jackie in ON
Yeah, that's what I was thinking.