Summer Rain

Emery and I rushed outside to pull in the umbrella on the table and take in some wood he had been working with. With no rain for so long, you forget about things being left outside.
The winds came roaring in. Trees bending and loosing small branches. Leaves flying through the air like natures confetti. I remembered reading about people in the olden days, on the prairie dancing in the rain. It had been so long since they had seen it, that joy overtook them. They had prayed for rain for the crops and happiness filled them to overflowing. They couldn't remain still. A Miriam's type dance, one of pure delight in the Lord for His goodness.
I felt like that. I wanted to run through the pasture, let the rain baptize me. Yes, that's what it seemed like, holy water from heaven. So needed and yes prayed for. Refreshing the spirit as well as the land.
A loud clap of thunder sent me running for the doorway of the barn. It smelled of wet wood and damp hay. Good smells to me, better than fancy perfume. I guess no matter how you try and dress me up, I am just a farm girl through and through. My bare feet now wet and muddy looking. They looked silly with painted toe nails. I reminded myself not to bother any more to paint them.
I lingered in the doorway, watching rain fall. Simple thing to do, no admission fee.
The chickens ran around chasing rain drops, thinking they were bugs moving in the grass.
Fergus hiding in his house. All too soon the rain became gentle and the storm clouds meshed together to make one large gray sky that looked all the same. The temperature dropped about 15 degrees in no time at all.
With camera in hand I walked in the sprinkles that still fell. Rain on leaves, and a well worn back porch. Big rain drops covering a pear with sparkling water. A leaf, dead on the ground forming a tiny cup for little birds or wee rabbits.
Beauty all around me, refreshed by the rain. I feel like I came to my senses, cleared of illusions that the material world holds some unlocked treasure. Simple life, simple needs, simple dress, simple food, simple beauty all around me and all that gives me simple abundance.