4 in the Morning Thoughts

The dark spaces of the house, almost feel as though I am being cuddled by them. Surrounded by the familiar things but unseen due to the darkness. I ponder for a moment, where darkness starts and ends around me. Reaching my hand out to see where the darkness starts in this room.
There are many times in my life when the quiet allows me to think about how profoundly blessed I am. Tonight or rather, this morning is one of those times. People have always used terms like "born under a lucky star" etc when talking about my life. It makes you wonder if some people just are dealt better cards in life or if some people just make the best out of what they have. I am really not sure.
Maybe its a bit of both. Maybe some people just attract good things in their lives and some folks attract things like confusion, and difficulties.
My brother in law has a rather dull life and never quite believes so many "things" could happen in my life. Thinks I lie, has even called me a liar a time or two because things happen in my life that would never happen in his or his wife's life. They just don't attract connections that make things really happen for them.
You can pretty well guarantee, if it's extraordinary, well its probably happened to me !
At first when he would say such things, it made me a little mad. Insulted. I was younger and felt more of the need to defend myself. Now, in usual fashion I have a good laugh and remembered the saying, " the best revenge is living good." I live good and have lived good.
It all seems part of this "born under a lucky star" thing for me.
But, if you look at it deeply, you might begin to wonder if its just I am not afraid to try things, go after things, ask about things and move on past a failure quickly with no regrets. Regrets are a total waste of time ! You cannot change the past, so embrace it as a lesson and move on.
I may turn over 100 pieces of coal in searching for that one diamond and most people are not that willing to do that. I even have fun playing with the coal it seems.
Maybe it comes down to that quote I love so well about living spherically and with childlike enthusiasm. Maybe that's what its all about. I don't honestly know.
Then, it could be I just don't see limitations. I certainly don't see one person better than another or a "famous person" any different than me. My grandmother always reminded me, "every woman puts on their pantyhose the same way, even the Queen". With that in mind, no one is unapproachable.
Whatever the cause of this "born under a lucky star" thing, seems so unimportant compared to the day to day joy of living. The only reason to look for a cause is to be able to share it with people who ask me about it.
My life is so full of love, good friends, simplicity, things I enjoy and all that I need and honestly all that I want.
As this darkness, this quite time fades into the breaking of dawn, I may just go back to sleep for a bit and dream about all the good things in life.
I think a whole lot of it is how we look at things. By choosing to concentrate on the positive, the negative things are minimized and soon forgotten about.
Speaking of good days . . Happy Birthday to YOU!!!
Judy L.
"Two men looked out through prison bars, one saw mud, the other - stars!"