Laundry Lines and Happiness

After everyone left last night, I put the table cloth and the napkins in the wash and hung them up early this morning. The wind kicking its heels up now and again and giving the linens a good dance.
Later I washed some towels and hung them up. It was long before the heat of the day had set in, making it pleasant to be outside. Momma cat and her now big kittens lazily stretched out by the clothes line pole and watched me. Usually they follow my every footstep and its rather a chore to keep from stepping on them. Today they just watched from a short distance. I thought about bringing a blanket outside and stretching out myself for an hour or so. Just watching the clouds pass by, guessing what their shapes look like, listening to the birds sing and the leaves rustle in the breeze...I remembered, there are lots of things waiting to be done, so that lazy time will have to be another day. No doubt in September.
It struck me today about how a very simple thing can be a delight. The other day when in Wal-mart I purchased 4 dish cloths for 97 cents. Just plain white and blue dish clothes. My kitchen was in need of some new ones. I tend to hold on to them until they are rather thread bare. So today, hanging them up on the line ( I wash everything before using it) I felt happy seeing them. A silly item and nothing very exciting about them to be sure, but they are new and they look so fresh. Its just one of those very simple things that made me feel happy.
Guess it doesn't take a lot to please me.
Standing at the back door, looking out over our land, seeing the snowy white table cloth and napkins, my new little dish cloths, knowing in my heart that I am well loved and have such good friends and family around me, loving my simple home, having vibrant health, it just feels a bit like having it all.
I have a genetice predisposition to enjoying watching the washing dry. I remember my mum doing it, and my nana, now I do it...there is NOTHING more relaxing and satisfying!