Lonely Nation

Maybe its all time we let our light shine and brighten the corner where we all our, not in sermons or preaching but in actions and in love for one another. That surely speaks the loudest of what we stand for in the world.
Please read this article, it really goes along with what I have been writing about. It cannot be a coincidence that others are all seeing our loss of community in this country.

Ladies, lets single handedly change this situation by forming groups of "Women Grinding Wheat Together."


wendybirde said…
I know we are in different places, but I felt something was spurred in each of us with our little interaction last night. And last night I dreamed of, among other things, a group of women friends circled around me protectively like an egg, and then awoke to find your post on the importance of deepening these female friendships.

Your image of women grinding wheat together strikes a real cord. And what struck me from the article you mentioned here was this: "We've become a society where we expect things instantly, and don't spend the time it takes to have real intimacy with another person."

What all this reminds me of is what John Eldredge calls true fellowship in his book Waking the Dead. He says fellowship takes true involvement--showing up with your truck helping your friend move, bringing over soup when they are sick, etc, not as "favors" but as a given that this is just simply what friends DO.

The other thing that struck me in his stuff is that he says that spiritual warfare involves actually KNOWING someone, really knowing them, knowing their heart, knowing their stories---so that when the enemy whispers in your ear little judgements he wants you to believe about that person to tear him/her down (and he will!), you can say no. And this involvement, this knowing, this fighting for one another, it takes real actual connecting, and real actual time.

That's why I liked your grinding wheat image, because wheat is not presto chango instantly ground there, but takes true involement, true time...true connection.

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