Smokey had an Attitude

Smokey is a bit of a grouch and this picture captures that very well I think. Seems he didn't care to have the kittens walk past him and I snapped a picture just as they did.He was from a litter of mostly white cats that was dropped off at the vets office when we were there once. I picked him out right away. He was so cute and I have a thing for gray cats. There was another woman there taking 3 white kittens. Not because she wanted cats per say, but because her house was decorated in white and she thought they would go well with the decor. I always wondered if that worked out o.k..
Smokey is now 11 years old and all the other critters gives him a wide berth. He is almost like the Clint Eastwood of the cat world. Just has that look about him that says, "don't tread on me."
But, with me, Smokey is just an old sweetie.
The kittens grow more every day I think and their mother tends to run off for some quiet time more often these days.
Fergus, sees the kittens as something fun to chase !
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Elaine Adair