The Influence of Weather

As I was going about my morning work, I thought about how I have been feeling, thinking etc this past week.
I felt tired of dressing chic and wanted to crawl back into just some comfortable cotton knit Capri's and a tee shirt. I felt tired of fancy meals and shoes that were not as comfortable as being barefoot.
I wanted winter, cozy nights by the woodstove. Lamp light, winter food and so on and so on. I started to make my life turn into my winter mood a bit too early.
My entire mood and direction of life seemed to be dictated by the weather. We have had over 25 days of temperatures at or over 100 degrees. I think its wearing on me. Sure the house is cool, the car is cool after a while, the stores are cool, but you are stuck inside. No walking, no sitting outside to hear the birds sing, its just too hot for that. Early morning is ok but the whole time you are racing the clock to be done by 10 am when natures oven gets turned on. It still feels a bit like cabin fever to me.
In the old days, woman or men for that matter may have felt like I do, hating the heat or the cold ( same feelings just different manifestations hatch from the two extremes.) but in the "old days" people didn't have the resources to act on their unsettled feelings.
I have a closet with chic clothes, and a few homesteadish looking long skirts, and then one tee shirt and one pair of cotton Capri's. I can change direction by changing clothes. I can visit Paris by way of the web or a phone call just as easily as I can look on line about spinning wool and making soap. The house can transform into another focus so easy. Doilies or no doilies. Eiffel tower or barns for art work. Baskets of herbs hanging or fresh flower arrangements on table tops
Weather extremes seem to make me discontent and since I can't change the weather, I go after changing my surroundings or to reflect more of what I wish it was like outside.
Some folks are just more into changing things than others and I am one for changes. Its not just the weather that makes me feel this way though, its my millions of interests. If I am interested in a country, I want to learn the language, eat the food, have my house look like the houses of that country, in other words be submerged into the culture.
My interests are many, maybe too many, and with the way the world is now, I can totally absorb myself in the latest interest in a click of the mouse.
I have no idea if this is good or bad and am not looking for guidance in that either. I am growing accustomed to my interest changes. I used to decorate the house according to what was my latest interest. That was costly and time consuming. Age has slowed me down on that front. Its simply too much work. Now every once in a while I change the accessories and call it good !
I think many women, can't speak for men, feel the need to transform themselves from time to time. You may not be as extreme as I am but you can look at your own life 2 years ago, 5 years ago and then 10 years ago. Are you wearing the same clothes, have the same interests, going the same places ? Is your house still olive green and gold with touches of Orange ? Shag carpet ? Did you dump the blue eye shadow ?
Probably you have changed in some aspect of at least one of those areas.
Just some folks hate to admit they change, as if its a bad thing. Its not. Seasons change and we love that. Our bodies change and we learn to accept that. Change is part of life.
So why shouldn't our insights, our dreams, our goals and the manifestations of all of those ?
Maybe we should embrace the changes that come with our thinking as the weather changes, as the seasons of life change and as our very dreams change ?
I used to want to live in a log cabin. It was my all consuming never changing dream. From the time I was 14 maybe. When all the girls in Home economics class built little model dream homes out of boxes, yours truly build a log cabin home. Complete with wood stove, bee hive oven and simple tiny quilts lay on the two beds in this cardboard house. My dream home. No electricity either.
Well, now I am 52 in 4 days now, and I never think about the log cabin thing, unless someone points one out and asks if that is my dream home. The dream faded. I don't miss the dream. I have just found that for me, the house is not important. My dream, sans the log cabin has come true so a few logs on the exterior mean nothing any more, just insignificant stuff.
This is a real ramble as you can see. Back to the weather, the heat makes me want the things I do in the cold weather. I have to knock myself on the side of the head and say to myself, "weather induced changes ahead, CAUTION". "Don't jump over board just yet and abandon the warm weather delights."
With that in mind, this morning I am preparing a delightful healthy breakfast, with French cafe music playing in the background, a cup of freshly brewed coffee, a beautiful plate and decide if today is a shorts and tee shirt day ( I kept my bummer hummer tee shirt) or a dress up day.
Being a woman is so delightful, we can be fickle and laugh about it, if we so choose.
You know all this would be so much easier if I had a big pool. I could swim away this desire for summer to leave and embrace it for the love of laying around the pool all day.
I too can never seem to do hair or make-up for more than 2 days in a row. I just am not a hair person or a make-up person. And trying to be makes me stressed.