Busy-ness and Birthday Lists

Just before bed, I hopped in the shower didn't bother to dry off, didn't comb my hair. Put on my pajamas and simply climbed into bed. Emery says I was asleep before my head hit the pillow.
Woke up with hair that had a rather modern look, a bit of gel and it looked as though I had spent an hour styling it in the latest fashion.
By 8 am the phone was ringing. Melanie had hurt her foot and couldn't drive. She needed me to take her to Ft Worth. I dressed in 10 minutes flat. I shopped for a couple hours while she helped out another store manager for her company. Got myself a new pair of shoes, a piece of Godiva chocolate, and kept thinking about all I should be doing at home. The day was flying by. Had lunch out with Melanie and did some more shopping. We laughed, relaxed and realized it had been a while since we had a "girl day".
All I can say is that I am glad to feel so healthy and full of energy.
Its just two weeks until my birthday and I always make out a list of what I want to send to my family on the first of August. It is a bit of a joke. But since that time has arrived, Its time for me to get busy and make it out.
The list is always amusing
Starts off with the big dream items.. a Volvo station wagon, red or black. A lap top for writing my book, and ends up with things like a candle. I guess tonight I will have to get it all written out. I have not lost my childlike enthusiasm for my birthday. Cake, ice cream, candles, party hats, balloons etc are all expected !
Its now nearly 5 pm and I just picked up my mail. Two books came for me today. Timely, oh yes. I was just about to don my painting clothes and get down to business. The books pulled me closer to them. The titles alone, making me wistful for a time of doing nothing.
Tomorrow, yes, tomorrow I will read them while sipping iced tea and laying in the grass watching the clouds roll by.
New books.....
The Art of Doing Nothing
The Art of Imperfection