You Are What You Eat
And I do know all about the hazards of eating chemical laced foods, but still at times they would call to me and I would cave in. This show however has helped keep me on track and what a difference it is making. I feel better, loosing weight faster than I ever have, have lots more energy and my level of joy has increased.
Here is a picture of today's food shopping ! Sure is a pretty sight.
In as much as we are the sum of our thoughts, we are also the product of what we eat.
(Just checking in as I usually do, to read your thoughtful words each day.)
She used to be 'Dr' until someone pointed out that her 'doctorate' was bought off the internet.
The regretable thing is that dubious individuals like these are cited as examples of 'health food nuts' by people who want an excuse to stick to their beer-and-chips diets.
Moderation in all things. Was it Michael Pollan who concluded:
"eat food. not too much. mostly plants."
McKeith has her "PhD" from Clayton College, its "homeschool" of sorts. Which doesn't bother me one bit, I know plenty of Harvard educated MD's that have no clue about nutrition, prescribe meds that do harm and soon enough you see on the news that they have been removed. The chinese pharmacist that I go to, has some sort of education I am sure, it may have been at his fathers knee, I don't know, but he is right on 99% of the time, which is all I need to know. A Native friend, who learned about plant medicine as a child, has given me more help for my bouts with pneumonia than any Doctor ever has. Education comes in many forms. As for her being rude, I suspect some people only listen when you get in their face. Not my way, and sometimes I cringe at what she says, but ain't about to toss out the baby with the bath water. My approach is, if it works, it works. And for me, her kind of eating works.
I still don't agree with her methods (and I think she has some dodgy ideas) but the basic message of eating healthful, living food is a good one that I certainly agree with.