"The Best Laid Plans"
It was a bit disappointing but at the same time I long ago adopted the attitude that things happen as they do for a reason. I just reason that something might have happened if we did go hiking that may not have been meant to happen. Sort of like how I always am grateful for unexpected delays, I just assume it was Gods way of keeping me from being in a place at a certain time that I wasn't meant to be at. Takes all the frustration and anger out of delays and changes of plans. Makes you count them as blessings !
We ended up having a nice day anyway, just not the day we had planned out. Emery took me shopping for a new coffee table. We needed one. When you have been married as long as we have, its time for a second round of furniture. We do it in parts, not all at once. Got the sofa and chair last year, so now the tables. Cash in hand. I opted for a more modern look, that brown black finished wood, simple lines. Fits how we both feel at this time in life. Uncomplicated. It feels as though our surroundings are making a statement about "the simple life". The need for less around us and more within our hearts.
Our new candle holder that sits on our new table,
both from Target
As for the hair, it actually looks much the same as in my profile photo. Its not easy getting a good shot of myself and no one else wants to use my camera : )
Also, thanks for the less than 3
(<3) award. Sorry I haven't thanked you earlier. Life's been a bit busy. Still reading but have little time to comment lately.
Have a great day!
Thanks for bringing back some good memories.
enjoy the new furniture!!