The Easy Way, Isn't Always The Right Road
There is a commercial on television about how these days instead of fixing things, we just get a new one. We don't as a rule, put much energy into keeping things going smoothly. People divorce without much thought. People get divorced for such silly reasons some times. I have a friend who divorced her husband because he was "too nice", and therefore not much fun in her eyes. People change churches when the minister talks about changing negative behaviors, or has the nerve to call something we enjoy, "a sin". People even end pregnancies because its going to be too hard to raise a child at this point in their life.
Instead of loosing weight when we gain a few pounds so our clothes will fit, we just buy bigger or make sure elastic wasted things fill our closets. We let our children rule the roost, simply because its hard to be consistent and have them obey. We let our children have all sorts of techno baby sitter toys so we don't have to hear them whine.
As adults, we so often choose the easy way out. Caving in on standards simply because it's easier to. Giving in because we think its easier than to stand firm. We choose the easy ways to do things around the house, have machines do our work, and then find we need to pay out big money to join a fitness center because we are getting weak and out of shape. What we think is the easy way, isn't always so easy in the end.
Instead of loosing weight when we gain a few pounds so our clothes will fit, we just buy bigger or make sure elastic wasted things fill our closets. We let our children rule the roost, simply because its hard to be consistent and have them obey. We let our children have all sorts of techno baby sitter toys so we don't have to hear them whine.
As adults, we so often choose the easy way out. Caving in on standards simply because it's easier to. Giving in because we think its easier than to stand firm. We choose the easy ways to do things around the house, have machines do our work, and then find we need to pay out big money to join a fitness center because we are getting weak and out of shape. What we think is the easy way, isn't always so easy in the end.