We Are Designers
you are held captive, tied up with chains, you are free to design what your life looks like on many levels. Your mind is always yours, your thoughts always yours. No one can control those (well I suppose you could be brain washed, but even at that you allowed it to some degree) I find myself writing today with all the possibilities from commenter's : )
What I am saying is that we design who we are and what we say to the world about ourselves.
What we wear, how we keep ourselves, how fat we are, how skinny we are, how our house looks, what we say, how we say it, are like putting an outfit together, putting the pieces together to make the whole and we are the designers.
We know some folks that have so much junk around their house, old cars, discarded furniture, you name it its there....before you ever see them or the inside of their house, you already know something about them, they have designed their home. Just as much as the woman, now passed away, who lived down the road from us had a spotless yard, not a blade of grass would dare to grow wrong or she would be out there with tweezers plucking it, she designed her environment and everyone knew her for that aspect of her life. Her choices defined her.
What are you saying about you, what style are you wearing in life ?
The moon night before last, as it looked when I locked up the chickens
My style...hmmm...today it is tired mom and substitute teacher..obvious by the kids stuff and me being tired enough to put my feet up after a long day in first grade and just ignore it. My sister always tells me that if she drove down a street to visit me in a house she had never seen she could always pick out my house because it would be Jennyized even on the outside. I think I like that feeling.
Your posts always make me think..I love to check in here!!
thanks for making me think about how I design and define myself...
I am the choices that I have made... and I certainly need God to help me to make the right defining choices..
thanks for the post...
Merry Christmas,
I just found your blog a week ago and LOVE it!!
The way your share your heart with us is wonderful.
Blessings to you,