It was a busy day for me, well maybe not busy but a day away from what I had planned on, making it feel busy. I took Melanie and the baby to the Doctors in Ft Worth, went out for lunch, stopped at Home Depot so Melanie could get some thing she needed. Before I knew it the day was pretty much gone. Nothing on my list of things to do, got done. But, I felt happy. I was being a mother, helping by driving my daughter and grand-daughter to a place they needed to go. There is still a pile of fabric needing to be put away, and Christmas decorations here and there, not where they belong. My closets don't look like store shelves, and my bed never got made today. There is a higher calling at times, then housework or decorating. When the phone rang this morning at 8 am, with Melanie asking if I could pick her up in a half hour I said "sure". You see, its things like that, helping out, that makes my life feel full. Women today hear a lot about being fulfilled, heading off to find themselves. To do their own thing for a bit, pamper themselves, so they can be happy. I had chance to see about 10 minutes of Oprah today and that's what the show was about to an extent. Finding yourself. I think for me, knowing my purpose, feeling my calling in life has helped define who I am. As young mothers, your work is pretty well laid out for you and always keeping in mind the words of Kahlil Gibran, "work is love made visible" keeps you going when you feel lost in a pile of laundry. As our roles change a bit with time and our children grow up, then we are free to help more. Always have an ear to listen, time to run errands. Let your love for your family be your mission throughout your life. What better way to show your children, the joy of helping. Lighten the load of our children where we can. If your daughter or son just had a new baby and they live far off, plan a trip to help them with the new baby. Make your work, love made visable. You don't need to roam the world in search of how to be happy. Make it your joy to love your husband more, write him love notes, show your children by example what a good marriage is and in doing so, you find your own happiness. Service to others is a profound way to find happiness within yourself. The Dalai Lama said something very wise, that everyone would do well to consider..."When we feel love and kindness toward others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace."
Ecclesiastes 3:12 I know that there is nothing better for men than to be happy and do good while they live.
I'm very Happy with my life. I am so Blessed, and its a good feeling to know you can help make someone's load a little easier to carry !:o)
Keep Up the Great Posts!
Blessins', Lib
Great job on being there for your daughter. Not many grandmas out there are available for last minute adventures.
Slightly (but only slightly) off topic, I wanted to share this video my son sent me:
It gets happier at the end.