The Value of Things

For some strange reason, the last couple of days I have been thinking about what in my life would be worth fighting for, or even dying for. Maybe it was that brief conversation about the book Martyrs Mirror that I had with someone that led me to this train of thought. Its a sobering thought for certain to think of what things you value so highly that you would die for and what you would even fight to maintain.
My list is really small for what I would die for...only two things I could think of and one is a bit shaky and that sort of concerns me. I would die for my family, no hesitation there at all, and then I know I should say I would die for my faith, but to be honest, I am not sure I would have the strength of character to really do that. Oh of course we are supposed to say we would and be firm in saying it, but when push comes to shove, is my faith strong enough to put action with the words or is it just lip service? I hope I never am put to the test ! Its so easy to say, "of course I would" but words are so much easier than action.
On to the "what would you fight for" list... a bit longer. Of course my family and with surety my faith, my home under certain circumstances, and freedom on some levels. I am not much of a fighter so this is difficult for me.
There are things I would stand up for, my rights, my health needs, fairness for others, freedom, goodness, matters of ethics, and all of these things for each family member.
Now to the point of this post, no where in these lists is the extras, the stuff, the fluff we have in our lives that so many work to the bone for. I would not fight for my tea pots, or my knitting, or my favorite chair, my fabric stash or my clothes. They are things...extras.
Sometimes we give up too much to own things. Time, money we don't really have, worry that they will break, worry that they might be stained with use and rendered worthless in a seconds time. Then, that someone will have a bigger, better one. These things might take so much time to maintain, to dust, to move to set up and often too late we realize that these things took away from the very things we would be willing to die
Just something to think about.


anjoe said…
From my start visiting blogs, You were soon a favorit ;-) I found You "from nowhere", but thanks...

Five month and I still like all Your "talk" about family and everything else!
Anonymous said…
Good Morning Patty,
So much of what you have written here echoes some of my own thoughts. I too have wondered if I would have the strength of character to die for my faith. I have come to believe that I need to draw nearer to my God, to know Him more, to love Him more and then maybe by His grace He would give me that strength I would need.
As to the stuff, it can be such a hindrance to me. I recently reread the missionary biography of Jonathon Goforth. Shortly after they had arrived in China all their personal belongings were destroyed by fire. Mrs. Goforth struggled with this loss but came to realize that without that hindrance they were much more free to move forward in the work that the Lord had for them there. It gave me much to ponder on, how would I handle the loss of all my stuff? A friend in the mission field, where it was very humid and things were ruined very quickly, said that she had to learn to hold her stuff in the open palm of her hand and let it go when necessary without fussing.
It is only recently that I have started reading your blog. I will keep coming back as some of things that you write about are things that I also think on. Thank-you.
Lib said…
Hi ,
What a Great "Thinking" post!
Keep up the good posting!:o)
Blessins', Lib
Mimi said…
great post Patty,
it certainly gives us pause to think... and I am afraid that like you I say my faith is strong... but when put to the test just how strong would it be?
I pray that I can strengthen my faith to the point that I can say without hesitation that I would be willing to die for it!!
have a blessed Christmas,'
Anonymous said…
I love this post.
Sheri said…
Interesting post.Food for thought.
Niki said…
Thank you for the food for thought... I see you are under ice, are you?
... Paige said…
Very insightful and your honesty is very refreshing and welcomed by me with open arms.
Funny that some folks get ofended when someone speaks the truth(even when it is about one's own self), I have often supposed it is because the truth strikes too close to home. You know gives a twinge of guilt.
~Bren~ said…
Just last night my 6 yo son said "I love my family so much, I would sacrifice my life for them". Now what does a 6 year old know about that? Where that came from I have no idea, but he is a deep thinker. I agree with what you have said...I would HOPE I would die for my faith.
That is a lot to think about! I pray that should push come to shove, that I would die for Christ as He died for me!

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