The Candle Burns Brightly

In the window, the candle burns brightly.
Christmas tree, across the room, reflecting in the panes.
Just a simple night, simple things.


And simple is the best! that is a lovely picture
Hazel said…
What a lovely setting for a picture
sisterinchrist said…
No need for many words when truth is spoken ;o). Thank you.
Mimi said…
Beautiful picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lib said…
What A beautiful Pic.
I Love Simple side of Life.:o)
Marianna said…
A lovely picture. I do want to ask: do you use real candles?? With children in the house I am reluctant to put real candles at that level, but I love the welcome candle in the window.
Patty said…
Hi Marianna,
I use real candles, but my children are all grown and married. Our grand-wonders are all babies not able to walk.
When my children were small, under age 8 we never had candles un-attended.

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