Our Words and Our Thoughts

Proverbs 16: 23 A wise man's heart guides his mouth, and his lips promote instruction.
24 Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.
When I am disappointed like today, when Emery said I cannot have the new goats I want, I tend to act a bit like a spoiled child, and although I don't say anything unkind, I do not reply, in Elsie Dinsmore fashion, and then go about my day with a merry heart. I brood a bit, feel sorry for myself.
Sure it might be labeled normal and very human to act this way when we are disappointed or hurt but I think we can work to be better than that.
I read Deut 32:2 "Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants. " and saw that as a challenge to have my words be gentle, timely and nourishing.
So many people today are concerned more with how they feel, how they see things and how they need to be heard, that they miss the whole point of living a Christian life, to say unto others as we would have them say to and about us, its really the same as doing unto others.
We have become a people of speaking our mind at all cost, rather than having words that descend like dew. A challenge for me to have words that nourish the most tender hearts.
We are a world of get what I want, say or do whatever I have to to get it and we don't always care about how the other person feels. It should be more important how the other person feels than my own needs.
I like your honesty because it makes me think about my flaws as well and I feel I'm not alone in my struggles. I'm sure there are many, many more people like that out there that you help on some level.
Having animals takes a lot of energy and it is a lot of responsibility.
They also tie you down, and maybe Emery would like to be free from that responsibility.
For me, weighing both sides of an issue helps to know where the other person is coming from, and understanding brings acceptance.
I am not a person who will graciously accept a "no" without that understanding.
Melanie is just a few houses down the road, so she can milk and feed when we want to head out of town.