Cold Night

The clothes were cold and I was more than happy to get them in fast and fold them in the warmth of the house. Even though its cold, I am still glad to have just my clothesline for drying our things. If it wasn't for the clothesline, I would not have seen the sky turn pink and blue as the sun set, or hear the little house wren scolding me for being too close to her territory. I would have missed seeing the first star appear. I certainly would not have felt the profound joy of having fingers thaw by the warmth of the wood stove if I had never been out in the cold.
We've been sipping a cup a Friendship tea.
Have a great week, stay warm.
Blessins', Lib
although I am not in the very cold north... I can remember when we did live in the cold states... and the clothes would freeze on the line... made you move very fast to take them and rush inside to fold them....
I still love your wooden stove....
She would then bring them in the house and continue drying them (supposedly they still dried out in the cold some).
I can imagine the feel of the clothes as they came off the cold line!
4 hours away in Eastern Germany there are winter storm advisories, etc and people were told to pretty much stay inside. But here in the middle of Germany we seem to have different temps. and it's constantly dreary and drizzling. I say Let it Snow! :)
Thank You for stopping by! Grants Pass has been rainy! We have had a continual rain (from light to drench you where you stand) for about two weeks now. The weather is just cool but not ice cold. I am hoping we will get snow early. It just doesn't happen much right here.
Nope, I bought them at the feed store. They are so good for doing my chores.