
Today is one of those days I just am trying to decide if this blog is really just an on line journal for me or more
I wish I knew.
Thoughts about daily life on a small Texas farm. Living Simply and without all the Stress of Modern Times, yet surrounded by beauty. All writing and photography on MorningRamble is Copyright © 2005-2021 by Patty Lockwood All rights reserved
It first intrested me b/c I was just new to moving to TX and noticed you lived in TX too. I don't think I have ever commented but I love reading about the things you write about and especially your family's simple life.
Please keep posting and sharing those beautiful sunrises and sunset photos!!! Your blog is the first one I read each day and often times I check back at night time too b/c often you post more than once.
Thanks Patty for your inspriation!!! ~Bonnie
I enjoy your posts mainly because they make me think and that's important. If you're writing causes another person to stop and contemplate your words and thoughts, then you've accomplished a wonderful thing!
Keep the posts coming AND all those beautiful pictures, too!
We are adoptive parents who have decided that being together as a family is more important than mor money. We cherish that and our service to comminity. We are both huge believers in giving back.
I would be so sad if I could not read your writings and see your lovely pictures...please know that there are many of us here who do care, even when we do not comment. I too feel that way on many days. I am new to blogging and just having fun. I guess I will continue for me and anyone who may feel warmed by it or recieve a smile from the blog.
You give me a smile everyday...something to think about...warmth.
it has a great blessing for me..
your writing is wonderful!!!
Denise in TN
Sue in PA
(I was delighted when you made the apple pie in a jar. I had had the recipe for 25 years, but had never made it until this year. I had already made it before I read it on your blog.)
I, too, think you should let your light shine!
I was really hoping to be going beyond this being a daily on line journal, hoping to share thoughts that might help someone else.
Jackie in ON
Merry Christmas
Your photography is beautiful, your stories are inspiring, and your reflections are thought-provoking. Don't you dare give it another thought!
I'm going to try to comment on one of the blogs I read each day, since reading your comment. I'm sure there are other bloggers who feel the same.
I'm not sure if my profile is public or not, so I'll have to check all my settings!