The Man of My Dreams

Warning.... this is an unabashed gushing about my husband. He is the man of my dreams !
When I was a little girl, playing dolls, I imagined that my husband was very handsome and worked hard to take care of me and my babies. I did have many dolls to look after, so my pretend husband had to be hard working. There was Lisa, Ricky, Tammy and Michelle.
I remember my pretend husband was perfect and as handsome as Dr Killdare on T.V.
Funny what you remember when you think about it.
Here I am so many years later, knowing that all my dreams have come true.
This man of mine is amazing. Kind, loving, hard working, a fantastic father and husband and not too bad to look at !
Since the end of September we have been looking back over my daily journal from 1978, which was the month we started dating. My little daily journal recorded every date we had. Where we went and what was said. For instance, it tells when Emery told me he loved me for the first time, when he asked me to marry him and all such fun details. The 8th of this month we will be married 28 years and in so many ways, maybe every way actually, I can say my dreams have all come true. He is just like the pretend husband I had when I was a little girl playing dolls, only better.
Butterflies in my stomach when he walks towards me, soft laughter and quiet whispers are a part of every day.
Stolen glances with no need for words, and comfortable silence too.
You hear people talk about those rare loves that never grow old or loose that feeling of being amazed by each other, well we have that.
This man of my dreams is so easy to love, he is a true Gentle man. Always even tempered, never getting mad, never saying unkind words. Always putting his family first.
Dreams do come true and I suppose we work at keeping this love special, it just doesn't seem like work. We tell each other a hundred times a day we love each other, we write love notes and give each other those mushy greeting cards. We hold hands and laugh a lot. We have never ever gone to bed angry with one another. Not once.
We give and take and take and give. I do have the man of my dreams. I am blessed, very blessed.

Emery, taken on our way out to eat on Friday night


What a sweet post about your husband. And very encouraging to read. I've been married 11 years to the man of my dreams:) I pray we are married many more.
JacquiG said…
What a wonderful post about your husband. You are a very lucky woman to have such a man, and he is also very lucky to have a women who adores and appreciates him so much.

28 year on December 8! You were married the day my DS was born! He'll be 28 on the 8th!.

It is so nice to see a couple who are still so much in love, and show so much appreciation for each other after so many years. So much in society today shows us how to tear each other down, it is refreshing to see someone who shows us how to build each other up. Thanks for the examples you set for your readers each and every day.

Jackie in ON
Marci said…
Happy Anniversary Pat!!! We will celebrate 28 years in April. Your anniversary is the day before my birthday, so I should remember it!!
... Paige said…
It is nice for someone to post about true love. It is rare these days.

My beloved and I are the same.

It is beautiful and it is life in all that it can be-good and bad is still love.
Anonymous said…
How truly awesome for you to to have such a man to love.

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