Enjoying Each Moment

Both of us feeling much better thanks to the wonders of Activated Charcoal capsules.
I thought about folks living in the city, where buildings and crowded horizons block such moments from view. I think my soul would die in such a place. I need nature, its my soul food.
I got dressed, put in a load of wash, giggling just thinking about how its almost fun to hang clothes in such cold. You can shape them as they freeze so fast. You can make shirt sleeves look like they are waving at you, put holding them in that position for just a moment until they freeze that way. I can make pant legs look like they are running. Its play. I don't mind admitting to being silly and playing at my age. Clothes now hung, the moment of fun and then hands so cold they stung made for haste in completing the task. Fingerless gloves help with limits.
With the clothes hung, I grab the camera, hung around my neck while frozen fingers thaw in deep pockets of my barn coat.
So many wonders all around me....bare trees exposing squirrel nests high in the branches, the size of basketballs, mistletoe in great bunches, natures winter decorations. The berries just starting to form. Mistletoe in old oaks is always the best.
The bird feeders empty....a quick trip to the milk house yields bags of seed. Within minutes, cardinals are feeding. The bright male first, making sure its safe for the more timid female to feed.
The kittens, now more cat than babies, follow my every step. Close to my feet, maybe too close at times for it seems they are between each step. Tuk Tuk licks some ice that formed on the watering tank. Ling Ling is not so adventuresome. They climb the wisteria vine like a child's jungle gym. My morning entertainment much better than a TV show or a movie. A piece of tan fur in the grass, and another...some sort of animal fight took place. The hair looks just like the neighboring cats fur....my cats must not like this neighbor very much.
Its hard to pull myself away from all that surrounds me in this outdoor world of simple pleasures.
It seems right, perfect actually to put the camera on the table. Breath deeply and begin my morning tai chi...it feels like this corner of my world is so full of peace.
Emery....darling man, love of my life.... Happy Anniversary !
Tuk Tuk licking ice
Male Cardinal in the feeder
Female Cardinal waiting in the tree
Squirrel nest
Jackie in ON
Well said!